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Here's How to Ensure a Successful Paid Ad Campaign in 2023

A New Year Means Staying Focused on Results When It comes to Paid Advertising Strategies. Here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind this year when strategizing your campaigns:

#1 Short Form Video Content

We live in a world where video is the king of content due to how to captures and maintains our attention for the average total of :07 seconds we are willing to allocate to any potentially captivating ad. “The more informal, the better especially on e-commerce sites,” says Claudia Gharai, Co-Founder and CMO of DRMZ Agency, a full-service ad agency focused on Transparent Marketing in 2023. Short form video content generation allows you the ability to test new creatives and ad messaging whereas in the past we would drill one ad and one message till the ad, itself, died. Today, you have the ability to test new angles, and new content hooks to ensure you do not need to constantly reinvent the wheel when it comes to ad development. 

#2 Fuel Paid Social Advertising Strategies ORGANICALLY

Long gone are the days of running your Social Media Ads without considering organic growth on Social. “Think about Social media as one of your top funnels,” says Claudia. “The overall goal of Social Media is to not only increase brand awareness but to build the lifestyle you want associated to your brand.” While insights are gathered you are able to visibly see what will perform well on paid Social. To maximize your conversions, paid social is the more direct approach that should be considered.

#3 Understanding Your Audience Is Key

It is critical that you have a very specific understanding of your audience. Everything you create, content-wise, must be geared specifically for this audience, as your #1 priority is ensuring that the message resonates with this audience. “Clear insights on your target audience is like knowing the road you are driving on,” says Claudia. Ask yourself, what is fueling their decisions to consider your product or service? What is fueling your target audiences’ purchasing decisions? Each stage of the informative and creative message development process is key to understanding your customer’s journey. Relying on algorithms works…yes, but you need to get more detailed and granular to ensure that the right message is getting in front of the right audience. Ever considered lookalike audience target building? Click here to schedule a no-cost consultation to develop your businesses lookalike audience.

#4 Allocate Budgets Effectively

Instead of quarterly or annual budgets – get more laser-focused on establishing budgets for each and every stage of your funnel. It’s tempting to allocate all your ad spend to the bottom part of the funnel (your conversions) but this is not ideal and can lead to lower conversion rates because your prospects are colder. 

At DRMZ, we believe in full-funnel ad strategy to boost brand awareness while helping you prospects be reach to take action. Also – consider an adequate budget that allows you to test the right combination of creative and copy. This will allow you to focus on ensuring your campaigns have enough budget to be successful …if they have the potential to be.

#5 Make The Algorithm Work For You

Bottomline is, we are all living in this instantaneous world, however algorithms like Meta, Google or even TikTok need time to learn who your ad or content needs to be presented to or who is most likely to convert. Time and patience are essential in the process of setting up your ads. “Most experts recommend waiting 10 days to see two weeks between ad changes,” advices Claudia.

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